Elder Ronnie Loudermilk: Sept 28, 2019
Speaking on Saturday afternoon of the Fall Fellowship meeting, visiting Elder, Ronnie Loudermilk from Union Grove Primitive Baptist Church, brings us a message that begins with Romans 5.
Speaking on Saturday afternoon of the Fall Fellowship meeting, visiting Elder, Ronnie Loudermilk from Union Grove Primitive Baptist Church, brings us a message that begins with Romans 5.
Today’s message comes from Ecclesiastes 7:8.
Today we had visiting Elder Tommy Sarber with us. Brother Tommy brings a message on the subject of bridling the tongue.
“The Adolescent Christ” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message. His text verses are, Luke 2:41-52. Download Audio File or Listen:
In Proverbs, Solomon tells us that “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly”. This morning Brother Nathan expounds on a “friend that sticketh closer than a brother”.
“The Road to Emmaus” This mornings sermon comes from Luke 24:13-35
Elder Meeks brings a message on God’s promise to us. Hebrews 13:5 tells us that the Lord will never leave us, nor forsake us. Listen in as Elder Meeks expounds on this topic.