Elder Tommy Sarber: Dec 16, 2018
“Hiding The Word in Your Heart” is the subject of Elder Sarber’s message and he begins with Psalm 119:11 and I Corinthinans 15: 1-2. The instruction in GOD’s Word enables us to overcome anything.
“Our Mind Towards Church” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message this morning. He begins in Nehemiah 4:6 “…for the people had a mind to work,” reminding us that our mindset is very important. Download Audio File or Listen:
Psalm 103:13
Elder Meeks uses the account in Mark 14: 1-9 of the woman with the alabaster jar to teach the message, “There is No Waste in The Service to GOD”. DOESN’T THE LORD DESERVE OUR BEST?
Elder Meeks begins with I Peter 3:7 as he teaches how there may exist many “Hindrances to Prayer”. Download File or Listen:
***These messages were preached at the 2019 Indiana Fellowship Meeting (separate link)*** _____________________________________ “Our Rest in Jesus Christ” — Friday afternoon; June 28th, 2019 “Take Heed to The Word of GOD” — Saturday afternoon; June 29th, 2019
Quench not the Spirit. Today Elder Meeks brings a message from 1 Thessalonians 5:16