Pastor Nathan Meeks: Aug 26, 2018
“GOD is Thy Refuge” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message. His text verse is Deuteronomy 33:27, “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…”.
Elder Meeks brings an expository sermon on the book of James. It is believed that the book was written by James, the half brother to Jesus. While not a devoted believer at first, James goes on to become a pillar in the Church.
“The Last Words of David” Today’s message comes from 2 Samuel 23.
“Apostle, One Sent From God”
This morning Brother Nathan brings a message on the types of confession.
Speaking on Friday evening of the Fall Fellowship meeting, visiting Elder, Ronald Lawrence from Bethel Primitive Baptist Church, brings us a message beginning in Luke 4.
Today we were blessed to have visiting Elder, Tom Sarber with us. Elder Sarber brings a message to us on Apollos, from Acts 18.