Pastor Nathan Meeks: Dec 15, 2019
This morning, Elder Meeks brings a message on the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost.
This morning, Elder Meeks brings a message on the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost.
Elder Meeks spoke on the subject of “Honor”. He begins by teaching that there are differences between the terms “Honor” and “Glory”. Download Audio File or Listen:
The word “Good” is used over 800 times throughout the Bible. Today’s message, Elder Meeks takes a deeper look into what this word means in the scriptures.
Elder Meeks shows us an example of why we need all four gospels as he looks at “Mary’s Gift to Honor Jesus”. The first record he studies is in Matthew 26: 6-13. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks teaches on “Prisons” in our lives. We learn that we must not be controlled by the circumstances in life, but we can find liberty in Jesus Christ as we surrender to His authority, direction, and limitations. As the apostle Paul wrote, “For the love of Christ constraineth us…” (2 Corinthians 5:14) Dowload…
This morning we continue looking at the miracles of Jesus. Beginning with Mark 1:21, we then look at Luke 4:30. This miracle is the first recorded in these two books.
Elder Meeks begins with I Peter 3:7 as he teaches how there may exist many “Hindrances to Prayer”. Download File or Listen: