Pastor Nathan Meeks: July 8, 2018
The title for Elder Meeks’ message this morning comes from Deuteronomy 33:25, “..As thy days, so shall thy strength be..”. Each day, we are dependent upon our LORD and should be thankful for His free grace.
Elder Meeks brings a message from Exodus 25: 1-22.
This mornings message begins with Matthew 6. Brother Nathan expounds on the topic of prayer.
“The Scars That Jesus Bore” This morning Brother Nathan brings a message from John 20, starting at verse 19.
Elder Meeks begins with James 5:11 for his message on “Patience”. Download Audio File or Listen:
“Our Redemption” The first sermon of the new year, Brother Nathan brings a message on the redemption of the Lord’s people. We begin with 1 Peter 1:18.
Elder Meeks begins in Psalm 2:7 as he looks at “The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ.” Download Audio File or Listen: