Pastor Nathan Meeks: March 11, 2018
“What Seek Ye?” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message and he begins in John 1: 35-38.
Elder Meeks begins in Exodus, Chapter 12, to study “The Historic Context of The LORD’s Supper”. I Cor 5:7 “…For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: …” Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks studies the account of “The Healing of A Blind Man”, as recorded in John 9: 1-37. Brother Nathan taught that the man did not seek after Jesus, but Jesus sought him and made him new. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things…
As we close out 2023, and look forward to the new year, the Bible gives several things we can do to have a better year. Listen in as Brother Nathan expounds on this topic.
“Following Righteousness” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message and he begins with Proverbs 21: 21, “He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.” Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks begins in Genesis 42: 1-2 for his message, “There Is Corn in Egypt!”. The Gospel message provides temporal salvation to the regenerate child of GOD. Download Audio File or Listen:
This morning, Pastor Meeks looks to Phil 3:10 as he examines the Apostle Paul’s greatest desire to know HIM and the power of HIS resurrection.