Pastor Nathan Meeks: March 19, 2017
“The Attributes of Jesus Christ” is the title of Elder Meeks’ message this morning. He begins in Philippians 2:5.
This morning visiting Elder, David Bradley was with us. Brother David brings a message from Revelation 1:1-20.
In John 14, we are told twice to not let our hearts be troubled. This mornings sermon we take a look at dealing with a trouble heart.
Todays message, Elder Meeks expounds on the topic of Miracles.
Elder Nettles begins in I Thessalonians 1: 3-5 as he teaches on “Assurance”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today Brother Nathan brings a message on the use of the word “better”, within the scriptures. The word “better”, or “better than”, is used around 115 times in scripture. Brother Nathan begins with Ecclesiastes, chapter 7.
Elder Loudermilk begins in I John 3: 1-3. Download Audio File or Listen: