Pastor Nathan Meeks: March 5, 2017
Isaiah 2:2-3 is where Pastor Meeks begins with his message on “The Mountaintop Church.”
Elder Meeks begins in Galatians 4: 21-31 as he teaches on, “The Allegory of The Two Covenants”. He begins by noting that the covenants to which Paul here refers do NOT include “The Everlasting Covenant”. Download Audio File or Listen:
“Do you have enough faith to test God?” This morning Brother Nathan brings a message from Malachi 3.
In this message, Bro. Nathan looks to Galatians 1:4-5. There Paul gives us the objective of Christ’s death, the manner in which his objective was accomplished, the reason why Christ died, and the proper response to Christ’s death.
“The Sixth Miracle of Jesus Christ, The Healing of the Leper.” This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus.
Elder Meeks uses the account in Mark 14: 1-9 of the woman with the alabaster jar to teach the message, “There is No Waste in The Service to GOD”. DOESN’T THE LORD DESERVE OUR BEST?
“Five Objections to the Gospel of Grace” In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul gives five objections to the gospel of grace that were used at that time. These objections are still frequently used today. Brother Nathan takes a further look at Paul’s response to these objections.