Pastor Nathan Meeks: May 17, 2020
Today’s sermon, Elder Meeks finishes up in the book of James with chapter 5.
Today’s sermon, Elder Meeks finishes up in the book of James with chapter 5.
Elder Meeks begins in Psalm 2:7 as he looks at “The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ.” Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Robert Adam, from Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church brings the last message in the afternoon service.
Elder Meeks begins with James 5:11 for his message on “Patience”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today, Brother Nathan brings a message on the “Love of God”.
Elder Meeks teaches on “The Red Heifer as a Type of Christ“, as recorded in the 19th Chapter of Numbers. One similarity is the “sprinkling” of the blood. When referring to the verses about the “ashes”, he asks, “Do you feel deserving or undeserving of what Jesus did for you?”
“Three Institutions That God Has Given to Man” There are three institutions that have been given to man, by God; civil government, marriage(home), and the church. Today Brother Nathan begins a three part sermon on these three institutions. We begin by looking at the civil government.