Pastor Nathan Meeks: May 7, 2017
Elder Meeks looks at the subject of “Husbands and Wives” this morning. His text scripture is Ephesians 5: 17-33.
“Three Institutions That God Has Given To Man” This morning Brother Nathan continues the three part sermon with the institution of Marriage.
“The Sixth Miracle of Jesus Christ, The Healing of the Leper.” This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus.
Elder Meeks’ message is entitled “Things to Remember”. Download Audio File or Listen:
This morning, Brother Nathan brings a message from the Gospel of Matthew 18:15.
Elder Meeks shows us an example of why we need all four gospels as he looks at “Mary’s Gift to Honor Jesus”. The first record he studies is in Matthew 26: 6-13. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks brings an expository sermon on the book of James. It is believed that the book was written by James, the half brother to Jesus. While not a devoted believer at first, James goes on to become a pillar in the Church.