Pastor Nathan Meeks: Oct 6, 2019
Elder Meeks brings a message on standing for God. His message begins with Joshua 24:14.
Elder Meeks brings a message on standing for God. His message begins with Joshua 24:14.
Elder Sarber begins with Proverbs 22:28 and teaches that we must hold onto our church doctrine. Download Audio File or Listen:
Todays message, Brother Nathan expounds on the benefits of reading the word of God. The scripture reading today comes from Psalms 119.
Elder Trautner begins with Ecclesiastes 11:1. Download Audio File or Listen:
“Hitherto hath the Lord helped us” Todays sermon comes from 1 Samuel 7:12.
“The Different Miracles of Jesus” This mornings sermon comes from John 2:1-11.
Elder Meeks looks at the information about which The Apostle Paul said he would not have GOD’s children “ignorant”. He begins in Romans 1:13. Download Audio File or Listen: