Sunday, January 1, 2023
“Our Redemption” The first sermon of the new year, Brother Nathan brings a message on the redemption of the Lord’s people. We begin with 1 Peter 1:18.
“Our Redemption” The first sermon of the new year, Brother Nathan brings a message on the redemption of the Lord’s people. We begin with 1 Peter 1:18.
Today Elder Meeks continues the study on the book of James. The book of James was written to address the problems of spiritual immaturity. We begin with James 1: 13-18.
Elder Meeks continues his study of the term “Manna”. This week’s message explains, “Manna As a Type of Christ”, and he begins in John 6: 32-35. Download Audio File or Listen:
This mornings sermon comes from John 3:1-8
“The Grown Child” is the title of Elder Meeks’ message, and he begins in Matthew 18: 1-3. He first rightly divides the term “the kingdom of heaven”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Pastor Meeks begins in Matthew 26: 36-47 as he teaches, “The Importance of Prayer During Times of Sorrow”. We should pray to GOD as Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane, “Thy will be done.” Download Audio File or Listen:
This morning we have visiting Elder, Matthew Pitney with us. Elder Pitney brings a message from John 18.