Sunday, January 9, 2022
This morning visiting Elder, Brother Doug Meeks of Taylors Creek Primitive Baptist Church, brings us a message on what are “Acceptable Words”. Brother Doug begins his message with Ecclesiastes 12:9-11.
This morning visiting Elder, Brother Doug Meeks of Taylors Creek Primitive Baptist Church, brings us a message on what are “Acceptable Words”. Brother Doug begins his message with Ecclesiastes 12:9-11.
“The Implications of the Eternalness of God”
“For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us” is the title of the message this morning. Elder Meeks begins with his text verses– I Cor 5:1-8. We need to purge sin from our lives and adopt lives of obedience. Download Audio File or Listen:
“The Secure Mind” This morning we wrap up our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with looking at Philippians 4.
Today’s message continues on in James with the start of chapter 2.
***These messages were preached at the 2019 Indiana Fellowship Meeting (separate link)*** _____________________________________ “Jesus is Our Intercessor: He Stands with Us”– Friday morning; June 28th, 2019 “There is Joy in Being Obedient: — Friday evening; June 28th, 2019 “Though I am the Least, He has Given Me so much, May all my day be spent…
Today’s message, Elder Meeks brings a message on the topic of fear. The message begins with Isiah 41:10, were we are told to “Fear Not”.