Sunday, July 17, 2022
“Three Institutions That God Has Given To Man” This morning Brother Nathan continues the three part sermon with the institution of Marriage.
“Three Institutions That God Has Given To Man” This morning Brother Nathan continues the three part sermon with the institution of Marriage.
Elder Loudermilk begins in I John 3: 1-3. Download Audio File or Listen:
As we close out 2023, and look forward to the new year, the Bible gives several things we can do to have a better year. Listen in as Brother Nathan expounds on this topic.
Elder Meeks begins in Psalm 18:3 with his lesson on, “The Worthy Unworthies”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today Brother Nathan brings a message from Matthew 20.
Pastor Meeks begins his study on “The Two Salvations” by comparing Philippians 2:12-13 with II Timothy 1: 8-9. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today’s sermon, Elder Meeks finishes up in the book of James with chapter 5.