Sunday, June 20, 2021
Todays message, Elder Meeks expounds on the Biblical steps of forgiveness, and reconciliation.
Todays message, Elder Meeks expounds on the Biblical steps of forgiveness, and reconciliation.
Pastor Meeks begins in Matthew 26: 36-47 as he teaches, “The Importance of Prayer During Times of Sorrow”. We should pray to GOD as Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane, “Thy will be done.” Download Audio File or Listen:
Today we had visiting Elder, James Allen with us. Brother James brings a message about bragging on God. We begin with Psalms 145.
Elder Meeks uses the account in Mark 14: 1-9 of the woman with the alabaster jar to teach the message, “There is No Waste in The Service to GOD”. DOESN’T THE LORD DESERVE OUR BEST?
This morning visiting Elder, John Davenport of New Hope Primitive Baptist Church, brings a message to us from Colossians chapter 1.
The word “Good” is used over 800 times throughout the Bible. Today’s message, Elder Meeks takes a deeper look into what this word means in the scriptures.
Today’s Sermon is on the topic of “Walking” The word walking is found over 390 times in the Bible. Listed in as Elder Meeks expounds on walking with God.