Sunday, June 25, 2023
This mornings sermon comes from 1 Timothy 5.
This mornings sermon comes from 1 Timothy 5.
“The Implications of the Eternalness of God”
Elder Meeks continues his study of the term “Manna”. This week’s message explains, “Manna As a Type of Christ”, and he begins in John 6: 32-35. Download Audio File or Listen:
“For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us” is the title of the message this morning. Elder Meeks begins with his text verses– I Cor 5:1-8. We need to purge sin from our lives and adopt lives of obedience. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks began in Romans 5: 12-14 with his message entitled, “Adam: A Figure of Christ”. In verse 14, Paul described Adam as “…the figure of him that was to come.” Download Audio File or Listen:
Pastor Meeks continues his studies in James and begins in chapter 4:1 wherein James writes about overcoming fightings.
Elder Meeks begins in James 5:11 as he teaches on “The Compassion of GOD”. Compassion is sympathy coupled with action. GOD’s compassion always makes a difference–it fixes the problem! Download Audio File or Listen: