Sunday, May 1, 2022
This morning we had visiting Elder, James Allen with us for our spring communion service. Brother James brings a message on what the gift of tongues where. Listen in as we begin with 1 Corinthians 12:4.
This morning we had visiting Elder, James Allen with us for our spring communion service. Brother James brings a message on what the gift of tongues where. Listen in as we begin with 1 Corinthians 12:4.
“Justification” is the topic for Elder Meeks’ message this morning. His text verses are: Romans 3:24, Romans 5:9, Romans 4:2, and James 2:24. Download Audio File or Listen:
“A Servants Mind” This mornings sermon is a continuation of the series on Philippians. We begin by looking at Philippians 2:1.
Today’s sermon, Elder Meeks finishes up in the book of James with chapter 5.
“The Last Words of David” Today’s message comes from 2 Samuel 23.
*** The 2019 Fellowship Meeting was hosted by Taylor’s Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Converse, IN*** ____________________________________________ June 28th, Friday morning Elder Buddy Abernathy: “The Purpose of Trials” Elder Philip Conley: “Jesus is our Intercessor: He stands with us.” June 28th, Friday afternoon Elder Jeff Cochran: “Jesus is Better Than the Angels” Elder Danny Wisner: “Our…
“The Grown Child” is the title of Elder Meeks’ message, and he begins in Matthew 18: 1-3. He first rightly divides the term “the kingdom of heaven”. Download Audio File or Listen: