Sunday, October 13, 2024
“The Sixth Miracle of Jesus Christ, The Healing of the Leper.” This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus.
“The Sixth Miracle of Jesus Christ, The Healing of the Leper.” This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus.
Elder Meeks begins in Exodus, Chapter 12, to study “The Historic Context of The LORD’s Supper”. I Cor 5:7 “…For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: …” Download Audio File or Listen:
The title for Elder Meeks’ message this morning comes from Deuteronomy 33:25, “..As thy days, so shall thy strength be..”. Each day, we are dependent upon our LORD and should be thankful for His free grace. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Sarber begins with Proverbs 22:28 and teaches that we must hold onto our church doctrine. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks explores the subject of “A Troubled Heart” and begins in John 14: 1-3. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today Brother Nathan brings a message on the use of the word “better”, within the scriptures. The word “better”, or “better than”, is used around 115 times in scripture. Brother Nathan begins with Ecclesiastes, chapter 7.
Elder Meeks begins in Psalm 2:7 as he looks at “The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ.” Download Audio File or Listen: