Sunday October 20, 2024
This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus Christ. We begin with looking at Luke 7: 1-10.
This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus Christ. We begin with looking at Luke 7: 1-10.
Elder Meeks brings an expository sermon on the book of James. It is believed that the book was written by James, the half brother to Jesus. While not a devoted believer at first, James goes on to become a pillar in the Church.
Elder Meeks begins in James 5:11 as he teaches on “The Compassion of GOD”. Compassion is sympathy coupled with action. GOD’s compassion always makes a difference–it fixes the problem! Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks teaches from Genesis 6:13, demonstrating how the ark is one type, or foreshadowing, of Jesus Christ. Listen in as Elder Meeks expounds upon this subject.
“The Last Words of Moses” Todays message comes from Deuteronomy 8:2.
This morning Brother Nathan brings a message from John 8:30-44.
Elder Meeks brings a message on giving thanks to God for all things. We begin with 2 Corinthians 4:15.