Sunday, October 22, 2023
This morning Brother Nathan begins a series on the book of Philippians. We begin by looking at Philippians 1″1:11.
This morning Brother Nathan begins a series on the book of Philippians. We begin by looking at Philippians 1″1:11.
Elder Lawrence begins with John 5:1. Download Audio FileĀ or Listen:
Doubting. All of Gods children at one time in their life has doubt. While doubt is not a sin, it can separate us from the fellowship with God. Listen in as Elder Meeks expounds on the subject of doubting.
In this message, Pastor Nathan Meeks looks at the several uses of the word “ready” throughout the Bible. GOD is READY; GOD has made somethings READY; and GOD desires that we are READY.
Elder Robert Adam, from Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church brings the last message in the afternoon service.
Today’s message, Elder Meeks brings a message on the topic of fear. The message begins with Isiah 41:10, were we are told to “Fear Not”.
“Am I Spiritually Mature?”