Sunday, March 10, 2024
“Abide with Me”
“Abide with Me”
“The Sovereignty of God” Psalm 115:3
“Hall of Faith” Hebrews 11:8
“The subtlety of Satan” 2 Corinthians 2:11
” Acceptable to God” This morning we were blessed with having Elder Doug Meeks from Taylors Creek Primitive Baptist Church with us. Elder Meeks begins the message with Romans 12.
As we close out 2023, and look forward to the new year, the Bible gives several things we can do to have a better year. Listen in as Brother Nathan expounds on this topic.
This mornings sermon comes from Luke 2:1-20.
“The Secure Mind” This morning we wrap up our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with looking at Philippians 4.
“The Spiritual Mind” We continue our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with looking at Philippians 3.
With this mornings sermon we continue our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with Philippians 2:12.