11. Sat morn, IFM, Elder Joe Nettles; June 16, 2018
Elder Nettles begins in I Thessalonians 1: 3-5 as he teaches on “Assurance”.
Pastor Nathan Meeks begins in 2 Kings 4 as he examines the Biblical topic and truth of universal infant salvation.
Elder Meeks teaches, “The Lord is Our Necessity and Sufficiency.” He begins in Luke 5: 1-11. Download Audio File or Listen:
In this message, Pastor Nathan Meeks looks to Psalm 20:7 as he brings a message on “Trusting GOD, not His blessings.”
Today we had visiting Elder Tommy Sarber with us. Brother Tommy brings a message on the subject of bridling the tongue.
When should we pray? Brother Nathan brings a message on the appropriate times to pray. We start with Exodus 14:1-14.
“Trusting God” This mornings sermon begins in 1 Timothy 4:10.