Pastor Nathan Meeks: April 19, 2020
Pastor Nathan Meeks continues his studies in the book of James and starts in chapter 3:1-12 where James exhorts us to Overcome the Tongue.
Pastor Nathan Meeks continues his studies in the book of James and starts in chapter 3:1-12 where James exhorts us to Overcome the Tongue.
With this mornings sermon we continue our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with Philippians 2:12.
Elder Cook begins in Hebrews 12: 28-29. Download Audio File or Listen:
“Surely the Lord is in This Place, and I Knew it Not”
“Justification” is the topic for Elder Meeks’ message this morning. His text verses are: Romans 3:24, Romans 5:9, Romans 4:2, and James 2:24. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks brings an expository sermon on the book of James. It is believed that the book was written by James, the half brother to Jesus. While not a devoted believer at first, James goes on to become a pillar in the Church.
Elder Meeks begins with Amos 4:12 in his study on, “Prepare to Meet Thy God”. We learn that here is an “invitation”, a “challenge”, and a “summons”. Download Audio File or Listen: