15. Sun morn, IFM, Elder Bryce Lowrance; June 17, 2018
Elder Lowrance closes this year’s Indiana Fellowship Meeting with John 11:1, and looks at our attitudes as children of GOD.
Todays message, Brother Nathan expounds on the benefits of reading the word of God. The scripture reading today comes from Psalms 119.
Todays message, Elder Meeks expounds on the topic of Miracles.
This morning we have visiting Elder, Matthew Pitney with us. Elder Pitney brings a message from John 18.
“The New Testament Church” This morning, Brother Nathan finishes up the three part sermon on the three institutions God has given to man.
This mornings sermon comes from 1 Timothy 5.
This morning visiting Elder, Doug Meeks, brings us a message from the book of 2 Peter. When begin this morning with Chapter 3.