14. Sun morn, IFM, Elder Jonathan Cook; June 17, 2018
Elder Cook starts with Luke 8:41 as he studies “Being at the Feet of our Saviour, Jesus Christ”.
“The Fainting Prophet” This mornings sermon comes from 1 King 17.
Pastor Nathan Meeks begins in James 4:13 as he finishes the 4th chapter of James in his expository series. James 4:13-17 deals with the will of God and the response we have to it in our lives.
Pastor Meeks continues his studies in James and begins in chapter 4:1 wherein James writes about overcoming fightings.
“The Grown Child” is the title of Elder Meeks’ message, and he begins in Matthew 18: 1-3. He first rightly divides the term “the kingdom of heaven”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks began in Romans 5: 12-14 with his message entitled, “Adam: A Figure of Christ”. In verse 14, Paul described Adam as “…the figure of him that was to come.” Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks begins in Genesis 5:29 with his message on “Looking to Noah as a Type of Christ”. Download Audio File or Listen: