Elder James Allen: July 26, 2020
Today’s message is brought to us by visiting Elder, James Allen. Brother James discusses what it is to re-baptize, and why it is necessary.
Today’s message is brought to us by visiting Elder, James Allen. Brother James discusses what it is to re-baptize, and why it is necessary.
“Christ, a Different Sacrifice” This morning Brother Nathan brings a message from Hebrews 10:1-14.
This morning Brother Nathan takes a look at the historical, and spiritual application, of Jesus’s parable of the wedding feast. We begin with the reading of this parable in Matthew 22.
Todays message, Elder Meeks expounds on the topic of Miracles.
In John 14, we are told twice to not let our hearts be troubled. This mornings sermon we take a look at dealing with a trouble heart.
“As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place.” This mornings sermon comes from Proverbs 27:8.
“Godly Mothers” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message this morning. He begins in I Samuel with Samuel’s mother, Hannah. He also looks at Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Eunice, the mother of Timothy, noting character traits that all Godly mothers share. Download Audio File or Listen: