Pastor Nathan Meeks: March 24, 2019
Elder Meeks begins in Ecclesiastes 3:1-7 which describes the seasons of life. In today’s message, Brother Nathan looks specifically at “A Time to Keep Silence”.
We were blessed to have visiting Elder, Michael Green from Macclenny Primitive Baptist Church, with us this morning. Elder Green brings a message on being thankful, even when things have been stripped away. We begin with 1 Chronicles 16.
Elder Lawrence begins with John 5:1. Download Audio File or Listen:
This morning we have visiting minister, Elder David Bradley with us. Brother David takes a look at Philippians 2:5.
“The Importance of the Resurrection of Christ”
The last message of Saturday afternoon is brought by Elder James Allen. Brother James begins with Galatians 6:7.
“The story of Uzzah“. Elder Meeks brings a message from 2nd Samuel 6.