Pastor Nathan Meeks: Nov 26, 2017
Elder Meeks teaches on the subject, “Pleasing GOD”, and he begins in I Thes 4:1.
The expression “Take Heed” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message. He begins in Hebrews 3:12, “Take heed, breathren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”
“The Secure Mind” This morning we wrap up our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with looking at Philippians 4.
“God is Our Hiding Place” This morning Elder David Bradley, of Lexington Primitive Baptist Church, brings us the message.
Elder Meeks uses the account in Mark 14: 1-9 of the woman with the alabaster jar to teach the message, “There is No Waste in The Service to GOD”. DOESN’T THE LORD DESERVE OUR BEST?
This morning Brother Nathan begins a series on the book of Philippians. We begin by looking at Philippians 1″1:11.
Elder Meeks teachs on “Insights of the Sightless”. His text scripture is Mark 10: 46-52. Download Audio File or Listen: