Pastor Nathan Meeks: July 16, 2017
Elder Meeks’ message this morning is entitled, “JESUS: The Friend of Sinners.” Jesus was called “a friend of publicans and sinners” in Matthew 11:19.
In Colossians 3:15 we are instructed, “…be ye thankful”. Elder Meeks begins there as he looks at “The Unthankfulness of Men.” In II Timothy 3: 5 the “unthankful” are included in a list of those “from such turn away”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today’s sermon begins with Psalm 119:18. As the Psalmist David, our prayer should be for God to open our eyes.
“Why Are We Thankful” In todays message, Brother Nathan presents the benefits of being thankful.
The afternoon service begins with Elder Chris Crouse. Brother Chris begins his message with Romans 8:12.
Pastor Meeks begins his study on “The Two Salvations” by comparing Philippians 2:12-13 with II Timothy 1: 8-9. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks looks at the subject of “Husbands and Wives” this morning. His text scripture is Ephesians 5: 17-33. Download Audio File or Listen: