Pastor Nathan Meeks: Nov 3, 2019
“Coming to Christ” There are six main expressions in the bible on coming to Christ, four are passive on our part. Listen in as Elder Meeks expounds on this topic of coming to Christ.
“Coming to Christ” There are six main expressions in the bible on coming to Christ, four are passive on our part. Listen in as Elder Meeks expounds on this topic of coming to Christ.
“The Faith of Moses” Todays message begins with Hebrews 11:24.
Elder Meeks begins in Hebrews 10: 21-22 as he teaches on “An Approachable GOD”. Let us “draw near” as we desire a continual and daily relationship with Jesus Christ.
“The Secure Mind” This morning we wrap up our study in the book of Philippians. We begin with looking at Philippians 4.
Lessons from the parting of the Red Sea. Today’s sermon comes from Exodus 14.
Pastor Meeks begins with II Timothy 4:13 for his message, “Paul’s Cloke and Parchments.” Download Audio File or Listen: