Pastor Nathan Meeks: Nov 5, 2017
“Mercy” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message this morning, and he begins in Micah 7: 18-20.
This morning visiting Elder, Doug Meeks, brings us a message from the book of 2 Peter. When begin this morning with Chapter 3.
Elder Meeks shows us an example of why we need all four gospels as he looks at “Mary’s Gift to Honor Jesus”. The first record he studies is in Matthew 26: 6-13. Download Audio File or Listen:
“The Different Miracles of Jesus” This mornings sermon comes from John 2:1-11.
“The Adolescent Christ” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message. His text verses are, Luke 2:41-52. Download Audio File or Listen:
In this first message of the New Year, Bro. Nathan looks at the word “RENEW” in Scripture and the ways in which we become renewed.
“Take heed unto thyself” This morning Brother Nathan brings a message from 1 Timothy 4:16.