Pastor Nathan Meeks: Sept 23, 2018
Elder Meeks begins in Psalm 2:7 as he looks at “The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ.”
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Elder Meeks teaches out of Chapters 6-8 of Judges on the account of Gideon. As Gideon led his 300 men in the fight against the Midianites, they were, “…faint, yet pursuing them.” (Judges 8:4) Brother Nathan’s message for the new year is that we may grow “faint”, but we should continue to be obedient to…
“The Tabernacle” Todays sermon comes from the book of Exodus.
“Abel, a Picture of Christ” This mornings sermon comes from Genesis 4.
“Serve the Lord with gladness” Today, Brother Nathan brings a message on our service to the Lord. We begin with Psalms 100.
Doubting. All of Gods children at one time in their life has doubt. While doubt is not a sin, it can separate us from the fellowship with God. Listen in as Elder Meeks expounds on the subject of doubting.
“The Preeminence of God”