Sunday, February 20, 2022
This mornings sermon comes from John 3:1-8
This mornings sermon comes from John 3:1-8
Today’s message brings a lesson from two of Jesus’s parables. “The Parable of the Talents”, Mathew 25:14, and “The Parable of the Pounds”, Luke 19:11. While there are many similarities between these two, they are two different parables.
Pastor Meeks continues his studies in James and begins in chapter 4:1 wherein James writes about overcoming fightings.
This mornings sermon, Brother Nathan preaches from Isiah 9:6.
Elder Meeks begins with his text verses: II Peter 3: 13-18. His message is entitled “Growing in Grace and in Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”, and he teaches ways we can and need to grow (progressive sanctification). Download Audio File or Listen:
Today’s sermon, Brother Nathan brings a message on the symbolism of the tree of the Cross, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Elder Cordes begins with Matthew 7:7. Download Audio File or Listen: