Sunday, October 10, 2021
Todays message, Brother Nathan expounds on the benefits of reading the word of God. The scripture reading today comes from Psalms 119.
Todays message, Brother Nathan expounds on the benefits of reading the word of God. The scripture reading today comes from Psalms 119.
The Six Steps to Avoid Worldliness. Elder Meeks brings a message from 1 John 2:15, were the Apostle John instructs to love not the world.
“Crowns” is the subject of Elder Sarber’s message and he begins in Isaiah 28:1. Download Audio File or Listen:
“The Last Words of David” Today’s message comes from 2 Samuel 23.
Elder Meeks brings a message on giving thanks to God for all things. We begin with 2 Corinthians 4:15.
Elder Meeks begins in I Thessalonians 1:3 after he asks the question, “Does Faith Save Us Eternally?” Among other things, we learn that faith is an “evidence”– it does not change reality or circumstances, but does point to the truth. Download Audio File or Listen:
This morning, Elder Meeks brings a message on the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost.