Sunday, February 21, 2021
Today brother Nathan speaks on the “offensiveness of the Cross”.
Today brother Nathan speaks on the “offensiveness of the Cross”.
“The Last Words of David” Today’s message comes from 2 Samuel 23.
This morning we were blessed to have visiting Elder, David Bradley with us. Brother David begins his message with 1 Corinthians 11:23.
Elder Meeks looks at the account of the woman with the issue of blood, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. When word of the healing of this woman was spread, all that were diseased were brought to Jesus. “And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many…
Pastor Meeks continues his studies in James and begins in chapter 4:1 wherein James writes about overcoming fightings.
Elder Lowrance starts with Colossians 3:16 as he looks at the subject of “Music”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Meeks began in Romans 5: 12-14 with his message entitled, “Adam: A Figure of Christ”. In verse 14, Paul described Adam as “…the figure of him that was to come.” Download Audio File or Listen: