Sunday, May 30, 2021
Today we had visiting Elder Tommy Sarber with us. Brother Tommy brings a message on the subject of bridling the tongue.
Today we had visiting Elder Tommy Sarber with us. Brother Tommy brings a message on the subject of bridling the tongue.
This mornings sermon, Brother Nathan brings a message on the topic of fasting. We begin by looking at Matthew 6:16.
Finishing out the Fall Fellowship meeting on Sunday morning, visiting Elder, James Allen, ask the question; What is a believer?. Elder Allen begins his message with 1 Peter 2:6.
II Timothy 3: 16 & 17 are the text verses for Elder Meeks’ message on “The Scriptures”. Download Audio FileĀ or Listen:
Elder Meeks uses the account in Mark 14: 1-9 of the woman with the alabaster jar to teach the message, “There is No Waste in The Service to GOD”. DOESN’T THE LORD DESERVE OUR BEST?
John 10:10 gives two reasons Jesus came: That we may have life, and to have life more abundantly. This morning, Brother Nathan lays out things we can do to help us to have life abundant.
“The Unspeakable Gift” Today’s message comes from 2 Corinthians 9:15.