Pastor Nathan Meeks: Jan 21, 2018
Elder Meeks begins his study of “Jesus Walking on the Waters” with the account recorded in Matthew 14: 22-33.
“Justification” is the topic for Elder Meeks’ message this morning. His text verses are: Romans 3:24, Romans 5:9, Romans 4:2, and James 2:24. Download Audio File or Listen:
“Christ, a Different Sacrifice” This morning Brother Nathan brings a message from Hebrews 10:1-14.
This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus Christ. We begin with looking at Luke 7: 1-10.
John 10:10 gives two reasons Jesus came: That we may have life, and to have life more abundantly. This morning, Brother Nathan lays out things we can do to help us to have life abundant.
This morning Brother Micah Milyard opened up services. Elder Meeks followed with a message, starting in Psalms 17:15.