Pastor Nathan Meeks: Jan 28, 2018
Elder Meeks looks at “The Love Which Jesus Has For Us.” He begins in I Samuel 18:1 as he find similarities in the love that Jonathan, Saul’s son, had for David.
“The Preeminence of God”
Pastor Meeks begins his study on “The Two Salvations” by comparing Philippians 2:12-13 with II Timothy 1: 8-9. Download Audio File or Listen:
Pastor Meeks begins with II Timothy 4:13 for his message, “Paul’s Cloke and Parchments.” Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Doug Meeks begins with his text verses, Matthew 11: 1-15. In verse 4 Jesus instructed, “… go shew John again…”. Even though John The Baptist had known the identity of Jesus even as early as from the womb, he needed encouragement later in life when he encountered difficult circumstances. Be encouraged– we are on…
Elder Meeks spoke on the subject of “Honor”. He begins by teaching that there are differences between the terms “Honor” and “Glory”. Download Audio File or Listen:
Today we were blessed to have visiting Elder, Tom Sarber with us. Elder Sarber brings a message to us on Apollos, from Acts 18.