Pastor Nathan Meeks: Nov 1, 2020
Lessons from the parting of the Red Sea. Today’s sermon comes from Exodus 14.
Lessons from the parting of the Red Sea. Today’s sermon comes from Exodus 14.
This morning Brother Micah Milyard opened up services. Elder Meeks followed with a message, starting in Psalms 17:15.
“The Fourth Miracle of Jesus Christ” This morning we continue our study into the miracles of Jesus. We begin by looking at Mark 1, and Luke 4.
This morning Brother Nathan begins a series on the book of Philippians. We begin by looking at Philippians 1″1:11.
“The Adolescent Christ” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message. His text verses are, Luke 2:41-52. Download Audio File or Listen:
Elder Sarber begins in II Timothy 2:15. Download Audio File or Listen:
This morning visiting Elder, Doug Meeks, brings us a message from the book of 2 Peter. When begin this morning with Chapter 3.