Pastor Nathan Meeks: Oct 8, 2017
Elder Meeks continues his study of the term “Manna”. This week’s message explains, “Manna As a Type of Christ”, and he begins in John 6: 32-35.
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Today Brother Meeks brings a message on the topic of purging. Several scriptures are covered that deals with this topic.
“Angels” is the subject of Elder Meeks’ message this morning. Download Audio File or Listen:
“Overcoming the Unprofitable Faith” Today Elder Meeks continues the study in James, starting with James 2:14. Listen in as we look deeper into the topic of faith.
Elder Meeks teaches on the subject, “Pleasing GOD”, and he begins in I Thes 4:1. Download Audio File or Listen:
The word “Good” is used over 800 times throughout the Bible. Today’s message, Elder Meeks takes a deeper look into what this word means in the scriptures.
“The Longsuffering of God”