Sunday, April 28, 2024
“The Implications of the Eternalness of God”
“The Implications of the Eternalness of God”
Elder Meeks begins with the account of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1: 18-25. Brother Nathan teaches, “Our GOD is with US” in many ways. One of those ways is that Jesus is “with us” in reconciliation with God, “… God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them…
Elder Meeks begins with I Peter 3:7 as he teaches how there may exist many “Hindrances to Prayer”. Download File or Listen:
In this message, Bro. Nathan looks to Galatians 1:4-5. There Paul gives us the objective of Christ’s death, the manner in which his objective was accomplished, the reason why Christ died, and the proper response to Christ’s death.
Today Brother Nathan brings a message from Matthew 20.
Today brother Nathan speaks on the “offensiveness of the Cross”.
Elder Meeks teaches on “The Red Heifer as a Type of Christ“, as recorded in the 19th Chapter of Numbers. One similarity is the “sprinkling” of the blood. When referring to the verses about the “ashes”, he asks, “Do you feel deserving or undeserving of what Jesus did for you?”